Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Strange Addiction

Don’t ask me where it started, because I don’t know. Some of us just have weird loves. I am just glad mine isn’t heroin or watching Toddlers and Tiaras. Instead, (and please spare me from the Anchorman references) I love lamp posts.  
I have tried to think of why I am drawn to them, but I can’t come up with a very good reason. Maybe it’s because they are functional but allow for ornamentation. Maybe it’s because they reflect the city you are in. Maybe it’s because I was dropped too often as a child. I don’t know.  
I do know that when I see one I like, I take a picture of it. I am not picky about the location. I have taken pictures of them in front of a palace in Spain and a restaurant in Florida. Although I must say the selection is better in Europe. 
    Today was a great day for lamp post picturing taking. After class, I went into Antibes for the afternoon. I was expecting a little beach town like Juan les Pins, but it turned out to be entirely different. There were gorgeous sea views, ivy covered houses, an old roman fortress, roads barely big enough for both man and cars to coexist in peace, and, of course, tons of lamp posts. I will end my rambling here and leave you with my favorite pictures from the day. 

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