Friday, May 25, 2012

How To Successfully Stalk Robert Pattinson

I’d like to think of this blog as a place of no judgement, so indulge me as I recount the day that I met Robert Pattinson. The fourteen year old version of myself has never been so happy. Now I myself thought I was above such school girl fantasies, but apparently not.
We waited in front of the press conference room for one in a half hours. Not too terribly long, but enough to make you question your priorities in life. Since it was inside the Palais it was mostly press and only a few fans. It was definitely not the screaming crazy girl crowd Rob (Forget Robert, we would go straight to Rob.) is use to. 
As it got closer to the conference people were getting antsy. We were in the very front of the crowd, and everyone behind us started to push forward. It was a odd group of people too. There were TV station reporters, European fan girls, and one grandmother who was just trying to get an autograph for her granddaughters. 
First Sarah Gadon came through the hallway. She is Rob’s costar in Cosmopolis and incredibly sweet. However it was weird hearing all the paparazzi yell “Sarah!” Yes, I know it wasn’t for me and it’s a common name, but when was the last time you heard a room full of paparazzi yelling your name? 
Then it was time for the main event. I am pleased to say there was no screaming, storming, or general insanity when he walked into the room. It just seemed so unreal that someone SO famous was standing SO close to me. 
I forewent the autograph route and instead tried to simultaneously take pictures and burn everything I saw into my brain. It lasted only a minute or two but my friends got his autograph (just a flourished “R”), and we said thank you for stopping so we could get autographs and pictures. He seemed to laugh a bit when he got to us. Our wide eyes and shaking voices let him know we were definitely not with the press. 
Then it was over. 
I saw Robert Pattinson’s face with my face. 

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