Friday, May 25, 2012

My Date With Deanna

    The goal yesterday was to see Nicole Kidman in all her movie star glory. The trains failed me again and I missed the train to see her at the morning press conference. Deanna and I devised a new plan: skip begging and walking on the red carpet where you don't get to see the cast and wait outside the red carpet with a mob of crazy fans. How could that possibly go wrong?
     We went to The Paperboy premiere in the morning (the movie Nicole Kidman stars in). Begging in the morning is so easy. We stood outside the Palais, and in less than five minutes a nice old man handed us two shining silver tickets.
     The movie was not my favorite, but I still love seeing anything at the Lumiere theater. I still get chills every time the official Cannes music (which I am still convinced is the opening music from Beauty and the Beast) comes on before each film.
     After the film, we wandered around trying to find a post office. I did my best to pronounce "stamp" in French. Despite being in Cannes for two weeks, I still suck at French. I pronounce everything like it's Italian, which is not the way to go considering the French never pronounce the end of a word and Italians always pronounce the end of a word. Luckily, they were very patient with me.
     Then after going to get gelato where we got the flavor "cookies," (not oreo, not chocolate chip, just generic, however delicious, cookies) we went to stake out a spot near the red carpet.
     I was expecting crazy fans, but the people around us were surprisingly cool. We met two women who were only in Cannes for two days. They told us that they had already snuck in the Majestic (which immediately earned my respect) and were scheming to get onto the red carpet that night.
     Along with them there was a group of Swedish guys. One of them had an accordion. Yes, an accordion, which he proceeded to play and serenade the crowd with while we waited for the red carpet to start up.
     Once it eventually did begin, everyone's crazy came out. I kneeled on a ledge (which I am convinced did permanent damage to my knees) in order to get a glimpse of Nicole as she walked up the red carpet stairs. (I'll be honest if I actually got the chance to meet her and I didn't immediately pass out I would call her Ms. Kidman or divine goddess. Both seem fitting.)
     We saw the rest of the cast and a few other random actors. I may be getting too use to this red carpet movie star business, because when Antonio Banderas came down, I was like "Meh, he's alright, but I just saw Nicole Kidman." I don't know what I am going to do when this all ends.
     Afterwards, we hit the beach to watch Jaws. I snuggled up in my white blanket and Cannes Film Festival embroidered chair. It was so surreal. Spielberg gave a quick video intro then we were off. As the film played you could hear music from two after parties blaring behind us. The audience clapped after all the famous lines and cheered when Jaws finally blew up. It was just perfection.
   I am starting to get nervous that the festival is coming to an end. Everyday there are so many moments that I never thought I would experience. I am so tired but if I remind myself why I am so tired (walking the red carpet, stalking celebrities, seeing amazing films, exploring the alleyways of Cannes) I suddenly don't feel so tired anymore.

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