Thursday, May 31, 2012

24 Hours to Italy

I’ve always thought the idea of going to the airport, looking at the departure screen, picking a city, and just going was something I had to do at least once in my life. However my struggle to book a ticket to Italy yesterday makes me reconsider my travel fantasies. 
Who are these people who just hop on planes and travel around the world? How do they even get a reservation on such short notice?  Do they ever get stranded in foreign countries because of train strikes? How do they make five minute train changes in stations they have never been in? Do they have buckets of money at their disposal? 
They must have ties to the mob. Sadly, I do not. 
Instead, I sat on for hours yesterday trying to figure out how to get from Ventimiglia to Viareggio. After accidentally booking a train for Saturday rather than Friday, I contemplated throwing my computer across the room. I just had to remind myself: How often are you in Europe? How often are you and your cousin in Europe at the same time? Not too often/never. Figure out this stupid website and get your ass to Italy. I did, and tomorrow I will.  
My travel plans for tomorrow. Wish me luck! 

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